Praying For Revival

The Fellowship Of Faith Church
Pastor/Teacher Troy L. Garner
– Madison 8am Service
– Huntsville 10am Service

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“Praying For Revival”
Habakkuk 3:1-2

Prayer is the key to birthing revival—
In our passage this morning, we see the prophet Habakkuk praying for revival.

The theme for Habakkuk is living by faith. Hab.2:4
–In fact, in Chapt. 1 Faith is tested. Hab.1:6,7,12,13
–In Chapt.2 Faith is taught. Hab.2:4
–In Chapt.3 Faith is triumphant. Hab.3:18,19; Heb.11:6; IICorin.5:17

Habakkuk’s Prayer Request
a. Habakkuk adoring God through invocation. (v.1)
b. Habakkuk Asking God through intercession. (v.2)

–Here is his prayer request—praying for revival.
1. God revive me through your presence.(v.2b)
2. God reveal to me your person.
3. God remember me in pardon.

Habakkuk’s Praise Response
a. God’s person revealed. (v.3)
Teman means nowhere…
GOD is from nowhere—He is GOD.(v.10,11,13)

b. God’s Power Released. (v.15); (v.18); Psa.71:14; Psa.43:5

Pastor/Teacher Troy L. Garner
The Fellowship Of Faith Church
“Jesus Is Exalted & The Word Is Explained!”