The Message Of Christmas

The Fellowship Of Faith Church
Pastor/Teacher Troy L. Garner
– Huntsville Bible Study 6:30pm

“The Message Of Christmas”
1 John 3:8

The message of Christmas is—the Devil is defeated.

1. The Perversion Of Satan. (v.8a)
-a. Notice—The Devil’s Nature; Sin.
—from the beginning means—the Devil’s Origin. Ezek.28:14,15
—from the beginning means—the World’s Creation. Genes.3
-b. Notice The Devil’s Name; Satan.

2. The Provision Of Salvation. (v.8)
• The word “purpose”.
What Jesus was assigned to do–His Birth.
• The word “manifested”.
What Jesus atoned for us–His Death.
What he paid for at the Cross.
•These two words deals with
What Jesus was anointed to do–His Ministry. Acts 10:38

3. The Person Of The Son. (v.8); Colos.2:15
The Devil is a defeated foe..

Jesus came to destroy the Works of the Devil..
—What are the works of the Devil?
Well, the works of the Devil is sin & the results of sin.
a. Sin results in destruction. James 1:15
b. Sin results in dominion. Rom.6:14
c. Sin results in damnation. Rom.6:23; Prov.14:12
d. Sin results in deception. 1Jn.1:8; Heb.3:13
e. Sin results in depression. Psalms 38:3
f. Sin results in division. Isa.59:2

Pastor/Teacher Troy L. Garner
The Fellowship Of Faith Church
“Jesus Is Exalted & The Word Is Explained!”