We Have A Lot To Be Thankful For

Tithes & Offerings

“We Have A Lot To Be Thankful For”

The Apostle Paul lived a life of gratitude. This theme of gratitude one’s alive in Paul’s writings. Paul used the words—thank, thanks, thanked, thankful, thankfulness, thanksgiving nearly 50times.

My thesis statement—We have a lot to be thankful for!

Paul’s Life. We know about Paul’s testimony of grace— But, we don’t hear much about Paul’s personality of gratitude. Paul as the Apostle of Thankfulness.

There are some examples of gratitude.
— Paul’s Life was an example of gratitude.
— David was an example of gratitude.
*Psalms 92:1
*Psalms 95:2
*Psalms 100:4
*Psalms 107:1
— Jesus was an example of gratitude.
*John 6:11

There are some enemies of gratitude: Arrogance, Ignorance, Disturbance, Grievance, Circumstance
*1 Thess.5:18

Paul’s Letters.
All through Pauline Literature he expresses gratitude to GOD.

*2 Timo.3:2
A characteristic of the last days is an attitude of ingratitude.

Unthankfulness is a form of ungodliness.
All throughout Pauline literature Paul expressed thanks horizontally & vertically.

He expressed thanks horizontally for others.
— Paul thanked God for Christian’s.
— Paul thanked God for the saints in Rome.
— Paul thanked God for those who helped him in Rome.
— Paul thanked God for Aquilla & Priscilla.
— Paul thanked God for Timothy.
— Paul thanked God for Philemon, Appia, and Archippus and to the church in his house.

Paul thanked God for the Church.
— He thanked God for the Church @ Corinth.
— He thanked God for the church @ Philippi.
— He thanked God for the church @ Ephesus.
— He thanked God for the church @ Colosse.
— He thanked God for the Church @ Thessalonica. *1Thess.1:2

Paul thanked God for the Cross.
*1 Timo.4:3-5
*1 Thess.2:13
*2 Corin.9:15
*1 Corin.15:57
*2 Corin.2:14

Paul’s Lord.
*2 Thess.1;3
*Hebrews 13:15