Defeating The Giants In Your Life

The Fellowship Of Faith Church
Pastor/Teacher Troy L. Garner
Huntsville 10am Service

Tithes & Offerings

“Defeating The Giants In Your Life”
1 Samuel 17

This is a great story of defeating the giants in your life.
1. The Introduction Of The Giant Goliath. (v.1-4)
a. Goliath is Tall. (v.5-7)
b. Goliath is Taunting. (v.8-12)
i. David’s Siblings. (v.13-19)
ii. David’s Serving. (v.20,21)

2. The Intervention By the Great God. (v.26b)
i. David’s Brother. (v.28-31)
ii. David’s Faith. (v.32-37)
iii. David’s Armor. (v.38,39)
iv. David’s Sling. (v.40-49)
v. David’s Victory. (v.51,52)

Goliath speaks of those giants that we face in life.
Goliath speaks of circumstances.
Goliath speaks of adversity.
Goliath speaks of problems.
Goliath speaks trials & tribulations.
Goliath speaks of bad relationships.
Goliath speaks of mountains in your life.
1John 5:4; Rom.8:37

Pastor/Teacher Troy L. Garner
The Fellowship Of Faith Church
“Jesus Is Exalted & The Word Is Explained!”