Facts About Giving

Preacher: Pastor Troy Garner | Facts About Giving

1. Giving is a Spiritual discipline. Matt.6:2

2. Giving positions you for your blessings. Deut.15:10; Prov.11:25

3. Giving opens doors for you. Mal.3:10; Prov.18:16
a. Gifting.
b. Giving.

4. Giving causes increase in your life. Prov.11:24

5. Giving honors God. Deut.14:23; Prov.3:9; Matt.6:21

6. Giving is an act of worship. Matt.6:33; ICorin.16:2

7. Giving is partnering with God to spread the Gospel. Deut.8:18

8. Giving is Spiritual Warfare. Mal.3:11

9. Giving is investing in your future. Gal.6:7

10. Giving is recognizing God is our source. IChron.29:12

11. Giving is Receiving. Acts 20:35; Luke 6:38

12. Giving is a heart matter. IICorin.9:7

13. Giving is a matter of faith. Excel.11:1

Lesson By Pastor-Troy L. Garner
“Jesus Is Exalted & The Word Is Explained!”